Gain the Confidence to Travel Again

To help you make your own decision about when and where to start traveling again, we’ve curated the most important COVID-19 travel information into one reliable resource called Book with Confidence.
Available to you at no extra cost, Book with Confidence has two major benefits:
The Vacation Health and Safety Guide: 57 pages of tips and resources about every step of a trip and how to minimize the risks. This includes practical tips such as:
Health Supplies to Bring with You
Ranking the Most Effective Mask Types
Finding Nearby COVID-19 Tests
Best Place to Sit on an Airplane
Lowering Risk at the Beach and Pool
Entertainment Venues to Avoid
The Vacation Health and Safety Checklist: A customized list documenting all the health and safety protocols you will experience along your journey. This includes:
Entry Requirements at your Destination (e.g. PCR COVID-19 tests, proof of insurance, contract tracing app)
What Travel Insurance Generally Covers & Doesn’t Cover
Where Masks are Required for Guests and Employees
Are High Touch Surfaces being Frequently Disinfected
Availability of Services via No Contact Phone App
What to do when you Return Home
When you are ready to travel, we know many places that are safely welcoming guests now. Contact us at any time for more information.